The Year that will be 2011

In preparation for the new year, I’ve been using up as many products as possible that were bought in 2010. This has been an interesting exercise because from deodorant to perfume, to facial masks, I remember when I bought many of these products — last December. I hope that a year later they find their purchaser a better person. I would like to think that in 2011 I’ll be more mindful of what I buy and where I spend the fruits of my labor. This may be necessitated by a major life change. But I’ll keep you posted on that.

You could make a fortune if you could bottle the rampant optimism that fuels the last few days of a year as the Western calendar turns a page. Nothing is as exciting as the turn of a decade, or like looking back on the first ten years of the millennium.

The 20s are a huge growth period in a lifespan; mine began more or less in 2000. After all when else can you graduate from college, get a few jobs, settle down, and give life to someone else and all in half the time you’ve been on the planet?

I’ve been pondering what 2010 was for me and mine and from the looks of this blog it had a lot to do with relationships and learning how to be more conscious of where I spend my time and energy. Email was a huge taker this past year and it is probably responsible for many of the hours of exercise that didn’t happen.

Otherwise, on balance it was a good year and has been an incredible 10 years in personal development as I went from undergrad to PhD holder, single woman to wife, consultant to permanent employee, and the most engrossing title yet: mother.

2011 will find me firmly in that decade some refer to as old — the 30s – inching closer to the midway point of the decade and possibly life overall. After all, only God knows how long we’ll actually be here. As a friend said on the phone last night while we listed our entertainment options for New Year’s: “Aren’t you all fat and old for those parties?”


If hard work was the theme of 2010 for me, as I contemplated giving up time from the hectic schedule to make time for spirituality and wellness, goals that had been accommodated into my everyday life by the end of this year, then innovation will be the goal for 2011.

In writing and child rearing and spousing; all the roles that are available to me, may they find me trying new and dynamic ways of being.

And you as well.

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