Part of being a writer means self promotion. And from many people you’ll hear how much time marketing takes away from what we really love to do: create, ruminate, develop the worlds, ideas, and themes that connect our experiences with those of readers. Normally I’m in the I-hate-promotion-asking-people-to-vote-for-me camp. I even wrote a blog post about the voting phenomena in our social media ruled world.
But this time I’m grateful to the voiceBoks Yummy Mummy contest because it forced me to ask friends and family what they thought of me as a mother. The contest is simple: ask friends, family, children, to write 3 lines or more about what they think about your parenting style. I did this because I have a book for newbie moms Mommy But Still Me and having the voiceBoks stamp on there would help my street cred with other mommies. I wrote my book so that other women who were thinking about taking the plunge into motherhood would know someone else shares their modern mother dilemmas: apple sauce and business suits? Skipping concerts for meeting? Nothing says judgement like becoming a mother — or a woman trying to get pregnant — and we can all benefit from real conversations about the challenges, rather than pasted on smiles about the unbeatable joys of the world’s oldest profession.
What was a perfunctory exercise to enter a contest generated heartwarming comments from friends and family on how they see me as a mother. I’m humbled by their support and hope that every mommy feels this loved and appreciated — on Mother’s Day certainly, but also year round. Show the mommy nearest you some love. After all, it’s likely she’s been sharing hers. (You can also leave additional comments for me as part of the contest guidelines).
Mo’s Yum-Mum Comments
Mohana does a remarkable job of finding a healthy balance as a mother in many ways. She manages to make sure that all the other things that she has to do don’t prevent her from spending time with her son. She is loving, affectionate and playful but also calmly sets limits when needed. She lets her son explore while also keeping him safe. She is a great role model but also accepts her son for who he is and who he will become.
I’m still fascinated by Mohana’s transition into parenthood because it was so drama-free. She has not let her identity be hijacked by motherhood … it’s clear that this became an important role in her life and one she can speak on expertly, but without a lot of “I’ve crossed to the other side” or “You don’t know how it is” layering around stuff she says. It’s clear she loves her son so much, and yet she’s grounded in who she is, and this makes her stronger in all of her roles.
Mohana puts her heart and soul into EVERYTHING she does as a mother, wife, and writer. No matter how busy she is, she’ll always find the time to take our kid to the park, watch my favorite television show with me, and write 10,000 words! She’s the most caring, thoughtful, and supportive mom/wife a husband could ask for. Hands down, the most amazing woman I have ever met.
–My biggest fan, David
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Reader Comments
🙂 happy mothers day – and yeah, women need to understand that while being female allows for some instinctive nurturing, it does not imply understanding the challenges of 21st century motherhood
Wonderful replies—I feel like we all are winners reading these great comments from our friends and loved ones! 😛
Doesn’t it feel good to know your effort hasn’t gone unnoticed? 😀
Its very humbling asking people to write what THEY think of you, isn’t it? The comments your loved ones left were beautiful- even I’M amazed at all you do.