Kindergarten Video Book Reviews #writerwednesday

I teach university writing and literature courses to millennial students. If they need to learn a new task, like making a mosaic or editing a video, they’re often teaching themselves how to do it. From hairstyles to math equations, there’s a YouTuber who shows them how it’s done.

Our 6 year old recently launched his own channel featuring his reviews of favorite toys and books. He loves to read so choosing a title isn’t that difficult. The difference between a review and read-a-long, however, is more nuanced.  But for his target audience,  kindergartners, flipping through a few pages may be the best way to persuade younger viewers who love experiencing the book as he’s describing it.

Too Purpley!

Have You Filled a Bucket Today?

What books you do read with little ones? Which ones do you remember being the titles that you loved as a child?

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