Wordless Wednesday: Ramadan Edition

Though the company RIM, the makers of BlackBerry aren’t doing very well on the stock exchange, their products including BBM, are widely used in the Middle East. I had a chuckle with this photo popped up last week at the start of Ramadan.

Ramadan is the holy month for Muslims when observers don’t eat or drink anything from sun-up to sundown.

All that to say, this is the source of this week’s photo. A twist on the popular Mockingjay.





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Wordless Wednesday: Signs of Judgement

How do you know if you’re a good mother? The verdict isn’t just up to your kids… after all, there are the prying eyes of the general public to consider.

With American Mother’s Day around the corner, I’ve been thinking a lot about all things motherhood, including how hard I was on my own!

A MADONNA OF SACRIFICE. Wordless reverence is ...
A MADONNA OF SACRIFICE(Photo credit: Wikipedia)


















Here are some clips from my latest standup routine in which I talk about being a brown mother with a white looking baby.

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