Wordless Wednesday: “Look how you look when you’re looking at me.”

Innovative public service ad campaign by Whistling Woods International to challenge the habit of leering at women in India.
The scenes bring up the age old question: do we have a right to stare at a woman because of how she is dressed?

With over 2 million views, their message is a conversation starter.


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Wordless Wednesday: Fund the Kind of Movie You'd Like to Watch

Traces of Sandalwood: the kind of movie I want to watch so I supported it on Indiegogo.

Muna is a 13-year-old orphan Indian girl who works as a domestic servant for a rich family in Mumbai. Not a single day goes by without her thinking of her younger sister, Sita, from whom she was forced to separate one day, and dreaming about finding her. Muna will end up becoming a Bollywood star and marrying the oldest son of the family she worked for. As a famous actress in her 40s, she will finally meet her sister again, in Barcelona. But Sita’s adoptive parents have erased all her past tracks. She is now called Paula, she is 35 and works in the Center of Regenerative Medicine as a biologist doing cells research. Paula will take a long journey to discover who she really is, with the help of a handsome Indian immigrant selling Bollywood films in a dvd store in downtown Barcelona. Muna and Sita/Paula will meet many years later, having crossed borders and cultures, far beyond a common past. Muna could be seen as a modern Cinderella in India, reaching the summit of Bollywood from poverty and reunited with her ??younger sister in a totally different culture.

The script has been written by Anna Soler-Pont, with Coral Cruz as script editor.

Traces of Sandalwood Indiegogo campaignCheck out the project on Facebook.


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