Wordless Wednesday: Calling Grandma to See How Old She Was

My team’s latest research project is understanding how gender, age, education and marriage are related for Qatari women. We’re a few weeks into the study which involves survey data, interviews, and focus groups. The initial survey asks respondents to share their age, educational level and marital status. Over and over again, a number of respondents said, “I don’t know my grandmother’s age when she was married.”

Or they’ve had to call their mother to see how much education her mother had completed.

Do you know this information about your grandparents? Were they married as high school graduates or teenagers?


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Wordless Wednesday: The Smile of a Graduate


PhD graduation 2009

June is the month of the graduate. From high school to university, you make the leap or celebrate loved ones crossing the finishing line.

Now that I’m a faculty member, I get to feel the pride of graduations from another perspective: that of the person helping to prepare the student for the real world.

Here are some images of my graduations over the last 12 years. First from undergrad and then later with my PhD. In each one I can’t tell if I’m proud or relieved! What were the emotions you had at graduation?

Undergraduate graduation 2000
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