How to Find Kindergarten Must Reads

Libraries and bookstores can be overwhelming for adults. Multiply that feeling by a factor of glitter, princesses, with a mixture of superheroes and finding something for young readers might be even more daunting.

MZ Reviews spots at least two 6 year old recommended reads a week. Books you can then pick up in a library or bookstore to share with your pre-school reader or give as a gift to a kindergartner.

Today’s preview is All Aboard the Dinotrain, the second in a series of rhyming books about adventurous dinosaurs.

How do you get your younger reader book recommendations?

Got a Young Reader? Subscribe to MZ Reviews on YouTube

If you find it hard to choose titles for younger readers, sometimes finding a book in their interest area is an easy win. Thomas the Train tales often teach important lessons like the value of patience and friendships.

In this short vidoe, MZ explains the plot of Go Train Go!

Subscribe to the MZ reviews YouTube channel and  you’ll be notified of the latest read-a-longs and book reviews by a very honest 6 year old. He reviews a book two to three times a week (along with toys and other fun things for the pre-k/kindergarten ages).