Wordless Wednesday: Trick Out Your iPhone Camera with Juxt-a-pose

If like me, you have an iPhone and are amazed by how great the camera is, then you might also want to know how to trick it out beyond the dimly lit Instagram photo of your last meal.

Enter Camera+, the app I love that has the effect of a mega-camera upgrade for the price of $1.99. Want to see? Proof below. Of our toddler. WitIMG_3663h Camera+ I crib with confidence all the poses I love from Pintrest and the blogosphere. Once I’ve finished editing the photo (more options than Instagram and higher quality filters, crops, and effects), I don’t touch it again while uploading to other social media sites.






Then I found out about Juxt-a-posed, an app that allows a layering effect with multiple photos. Here are two examples: the left is one of our second little guy and his garden photoshoot. Below are the many faces of a friend during her pole dancing performance (yes, that takes serious strength).image(1) You can upload from Juxt-a-posed to Instagram with the hashtag #JUXT to see what creative ways others are using layering.

image(2)What camera apps or tricks do you recommend? Remember: no matter the app, natural light is what you need for optimal photos.



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