“You’re bossy,” someone said to me in the cafeteria. I laughed because I had read Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s commentary related to the “Lean In” project.
Women are bossy; men are thought to have leadership potential. Funny, but true, that even as adults we can’t invent new labels but revert to the ones we used on the playground.
I was reintroduced to human dynamics in employment issues – i.e. personalities – when our nanny went on vacation.
She’s very capable, in her mid forties, clean, honest, and hardworking. She also looks at me like I’m crazy whenever I deviate from our daily routine.
Can she take out all the buttons from the extra button pouches and consolidate for a children’s craft activity?
Maybe. If she has time.
Our temporary house help is the exact opposite. She forgets things – like turning off the stove – and she says she understands (taking out the base of the car seat along with the carrier) when she doesn’t. But. She has a terrific smile. And she always says yes.
The two are like the twin halves of my personality. I have a living lesson of the impact temperament makes on a work environment.
Our temporary helper is eager to please, enjoyable to be around, and willing to learn.
Our nanny is experienced, capable, grumpy and distant.
Who do I want to be when I go back to the office after maternity leave? Which woman would you like to have as a co-worker?