Too Soon to Talk About Next Year?

English: Two New Year's Resolutions postcards
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I’ve had a great year. That’s the truth, no matter how ways I count in 2013.

Whether in babies (our #2 arrived in April) or books (2 eBooks, 1 paperback), even countries visited (3).

I love the year end countdowns that recap the past 12 months. But over dinner this week we were looking ahead to next year.

New Year’s resolutions have a bad rap; from unused gym memberships to abandoned manuscripts, they are made in the passionate hope of a blank slate of 12 months ahead. They have such a bad reputation for being broken that the most cynical no longer set them. Columnists now advise New Years “themes” for your year so you don’t have to feel so bad when you abandon them as you put away your Christmas tree.

My resolution last year was to make 52 short films. I came very close.

For 2014, I have my eyes set on something even more challenging. I wanted a new goal that isn’t related to writing, teaching, or exercising.

I chose something I’ve wanted to try for a long time but haven’t had the courage, stamina or reason to really get behind.

After trying Meatless Mondays, and meat free weekends, I’m going whole hog – to use an inappropriate phrase – vegetarian. That’s right: for a whole year, I’m going to go without any meat. I’ve always admired vegetarians for living much simpler than than us meat eaters who tax the earth with our animal farms. Lately, when frying or pulling skin from chicken or cutting into slices of steak, my mind skids to the humans in cages in Planet of the Apes.

What habits are you thinking about working on for 2014? What are your victories for 2013?



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Wordless Wednesday: The Invisible Army

I had the rare treat of hearing a friend read her work out loud to a new audience earlier this week. She’s someone I’ve known for years and hearing her read published work filled me with such pride.

Maryam touches on many issues related to the status of migrant laborers in Qatar. Her poem “The Invisible Army” brings a human angle to a big picture issue. This piece is part of a large anthology of Arabian Gulf poets, many of whom are accessible in English for the first time.

Enjoy this video, the 28th in my year of 52 short films project for 2013. I’m not likely to make it all the way to my 2012 resolution before January 1st, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t have fun trying.


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