Summer Savories for #SundaySupper

Summer classes have begun. I’m taking advantage of a less rigid pace to make time for three works out a week. When you’re pushing your body, the muscles demand good food. And because it’s summer time, you might want to try your hand at growing your own tomatoes to use in this recipe.

Here’s a simple, hearty duo that will get you full fast. There are so many ways to use salmon! What is your favorite?

Roasted balsamic tomato salmon and bok choy.

1 Large Salmon Fillet

1 Tbs Lemon or lime juice

1/2 Tsp Cayenne Pepper (optional)

Salt and Pepper to taste

1 cup Cherry Tomatoes halved (or as many or as you like, whole)

1 Tbs Balsamic Vinegar

1 Tbs Olive Oil

Green onions/chives for garnish

Saute the tomatoes with all the spices and juice for 3-5 minutes.

When the tomatoes are wilted, scoop onto salmon and bake for 12-15 minutes at 350F or 180C.

(You can also cook the salmon on the stove top if you prefer.)

While the salmon is cooking, trim a cluster of bok choy like you would celery, stems and tails. Saute in 2 tbs of soy sauce until wilted.

Serve while hot.