Me, Your Blog Tour Host
This is my first outing as a “blog tour host” which is how writers support others who have new books out. This is an important part of the publicity chain and a modern, technological version of the book club appearances new books used to have to make. Though book club reviews are still quite popular (and recommended), many readers, including yourselves, are now consuming more content online. Viola! The idea of a blog tour is born. I’m participating because not only is a great way to find out about good reads I may not choose otherwise, but also because if authors don’t support others, then we really don’t stand a chance in this digital age against so much e-pub and entertainment options which both compete endlessly for our attention.
For my first review I’m giving you a review of The King Whisperers: Power Behind the Throne, From Rasputin to Rove by Kerwin Swint, which I must say, is the most well written and intriguing non-fiction I’ve read in some time. Swint’s premise is simple but intricate: he wants to take the reader on a historical meander through the power brokers of history. He begins at the first conniver turned politico, Machiavelli, himself.From there the chapters wind through much of recorded history all the way through to contemporary American politics with a chapter on “The Fixers” including Karl Rove. The inclusion of such a chapter reflects Swint’s relevance both as a scholar and political thinker himself. He is able to draw parallels amongst disparate people including Romans like Cicero (found in the chapter on “Silver Tongued Demons”) and “Schemers” like the Biblical Haman.
The profiles include the staid bits of data, birth, rise to fame, cementation in infamy, but these are interspersed with rich and vivid contextual details which often point out the incongruity of the person while they were alive against the backdrop of how they are remembered. This may seem a slight of hand, but actually is the work of a gifted and skilled writer who has thoroughly researched his subject.
If you’ve never had the chance to take a political theory course (like myself) then by reading this book you will have been given a thorough education in the most dramatic events in western history. Check out the book trailers below if you want to learn more about this project.
Blog Tour Notes:
Please vote for my blog in the traffic-breaker poll for this tour. The blogger with the most votes wins a free promotional twitterview and a special winner’s badge. I want that to be me! You can vote in the poll by visiting the official King Whisperers blog tour page and scrolling all the way to the bottom.
The next word for the book give-away is (LIKE). Learn more about the give-away and enter to win 1 of 3 copies on the official King Whisperers blog tour page. The other 2 copies are being given-away courtesy of the GoodReads author program, go here to enter. And don’t forget to stop by the Q&A with Kerwin Swint Group to discuss the King Whisperers (including questions from the official book club guide), the author, and his previous works.
Book Trailers for the King Whisperers:
The King Whisperers Book Trailer – The Manipulative Figure
The King Whisperers Book Trailer – The Archetypes
Reader Comments
Great review, Mohana! The quality of the reviews written by the hosts for this tour is just astounding. I’m so glad to be a part of it 🙂
[…] time for another book review and this one based on a place I used to visit regularly as a child. When we lived in Canada, we […]