Torn Together

Emlyn Chand - Author PhotoAs writers, we sometimes focus on our own craft to the point of ignoring everyone else. This January I’ve felt the burnout from that singularity of purpose and offset the workaholic effects by reading as much as I can. When you’ve been away from the pleasure of reading someone else’s polished prose, the pages of a book can be a relief (especially after the pains of grading undergraduate grammar!).

I’m reviewing Emlyn Chand‘s latest novel, Torn Together this week as part of a blog tour. You may have seen her Inside the Writer’s Studio interview with me a while back. Em is a force of nature both as a writer and entrepreneurial power house as the head of the indie promoter, Novel Publicity. She’s had so much success in marketing authors, commercial publishers using her services as well. Yet, she still finds time to write. This novel is a departure from her children’s and Young Adult novels yet no less passionate or painstaking.

I loved the voice of the heroine, Daly, who is in the thick of the modern woman’s struggle to find her purpose in life and of course, love. Daly’s love interest comes in an unexpected package and her trip to India is at the heart of the story. The dialogue is witty and the banter between the characters believable.I had more than one laugh at the antics of Kashi’s Indian sisters shopping with our heroine. The unexpected ending, however, reminds us that while the search for love is important, the story doesn’t always have a Hollywood finish. That’s all I’ll say without using a spoiler alert.

In honor of the multicultural romance and in case the references to India make you hungry (as they did me) here’s an easy recipe for you to try. Tamarind Fish Curry. I bet Daly and Kashi had many spicy meals like this as their romance heated up!

I loved the dedication at the beginning of the book: “To Hitesh, even though “happily ever after” was never ours to have.” The melancholy tone reminds me of paths from the past that were once so important to me and have seen faded into the mist.

If you like your heroine with heart and your stories mixed with culture and adventure, grab a copy while it’s still at the 99 cent bargain price!Torn Together Cover


About the Book – About the Author – Prizes!!!

About the book: Life, love, and an unforgettable trip to India–readers call “Torn Together” an emotional roller coaster ride. What’s all the fuss about? Grab your mother, daughter, sister, or closest friend, and get reading. Make sure to keep a box of Kleenex handy! Get Torn Together through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Kobo Books.

About the author: Emlyn Chand emerged from the womb with a fountain pen clutched in her left hand (true story). When she’s not writing, she runs a large book club in Ann Arbor and is the president of author PR firm Novel Publicity. Best known for her Young Adult novels, she is also developing a small, but devoted, following to her children’s book series and is beginning to dabble in other genres as well. Emlyn enjoys connecting with readers and is available via almost every social media site in existence. Visit for more info. Don’t forget to say “hi” to her sun conure Ducky! Connect with Emlyn on her website, Facebook, GoodReads, or Twitter.

About the prizes: Who doesn’t love prizes? You could win one of two $50 Amazon gift cards or an autographed copy of Torn Together! Here’s what you need to do…

  1. Enter the Rafflecopter contest
  2. Leave a comment on my blog.

That’s it! One random commenter during this tour will win the first gift card. Visit more blogs for more chances to win–the full list of participating bloggers can be found here. The other two prizes will be given out via Rafflecopter. You can find the contest entry form linked below or on the official Torn Together tour page via Novel Publicity. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Reader Comments

  1. Emlyn Chand

    Thank you for the wonderful review, Moha–not just of Torn Together but of Novel Publicity, too. I’m glad we can mutually love each other’s work. Yay for multicultural fiction! Thank you again for rounding out my tour, and if you can cross-post to Amazon and GoodReads, I’d really appreciate it <3


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