The most frequent question people ask me is “How do you do it all?” They look at me sideways, from the corner of their eyes shooting me death rays while their lips smile and say “Super woman!”.
The fact is, they are asking the wrong question. It’s not how I write my novels, teach my students, play with my son, and spend time with my friends. It’s why. If you want to do something: call an ex, lose ten pounds, get out of debt: you will.
I make the most of little chunks of time (case in point, this post, written during a 20 minute blitz on the Internet while the rest of the household sleeps) and I don’t procrastinate. Because the satisfaction of crossing something off my list, ‘getting her d-u-n, done’ as a friend often said, is better than any time waster on the Internet or television.
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Reader Comments
[…] I begin to feel overwhelmed, I think one thought: How do writers who are also working mothers do it? Then I stop whining and start running […]
Oh, that is so true! I, too, have way too much on my plate but everything gets done that I need to get done. I am guilty of letting housework go so I can read or write…
It’s okay if there are dishes in the sink overnight. I have to remind myself of that as well! There were years when I would be late heading out of the house because I would straighten up first.