Me: The Versatile Blogger

Edward M. Carpenter nominated me for the Versatile Blogger award. To accept, I state seven random facts about myself and tag fifteen other bloggers. A great way to get to know more about me and for you to meet other bloggers I’m a big fan of.

Here goes:

1. I never learned how to ride a bike.

2. Chocolate chip cookies from Subway can brighten my day.

3. I do stand up comedy.

4. Braveheart is my favorite movie.

5. My Ph.D. is in Postcolonial Literature.

6. There are only three cities in which I’ve lived longer than six years.

7. Arabic and Chinese are two languages I’ve studied (and not mastered!)

And my fifteen bloggers I’m nominating: Tony Riches, Justin Bogdanovich, RachelintheOc, Safire Blade, Zoe Harrington, Carl Purdon, Masquerade Crew, Library Girl Reads, Mason Canyon, Rachelle Ayala, Sarah Reads the World, Maggie Mitchell, MaryAnn Kempher, Lynn Thompson, and Karen Robiscoe.

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Book Bloggers are an Indie's Best Friend

Celebrating Bloggers blog hop

With the birth of a new industry, it’s not uncommon to have other associated services pop up. When you’re making a car, for example, you’ll also need upholstery, wheels, and even consumer reviews to tell you which car is the best for your lifestyle.

The same is true of book publishing. Years ago, like in 2000, you waited for magazines to tell you what to read. Or maybe word of mouth from your book club, librarian, or other literary source. The introduction of the e-book poured kerosene on the self publishing industry. Commercial publishers began looking at download rates and purchase prices to see what authors were now risk worthy. As more and more writers began flooding the market, and more platforms like Smashwords became available, suddenly it was was difficult to pick your indie read as a paperback.

Enter the book blogger. Book bloggers are a self selected literati who read, review, and blog about books because they love them. They don’t get paid, are often juggling hectic work and personal schedules, and in many cases are berated by authors for not being available. They do it because they read something exciting and they want you to know about it. OR they had a terrible experience and they want to warn you so that you can get to your long list of to-reads.

As an independent author, I couldn’t have gotten the international coverage of my book without these faithful word warriors. They are as professional and polished as any reviewer you’ll find out there.

As part of Celebrating Bloggers week, I’m sharing some of the recent book bloggers who have come my way. Check out their blogs, follow them. You may find a book or two that you wouldn’t have otherwise.

What blogs do you follow? Leave some suggestions so we can all support these wonderful people who are writers in their own right.

Library Girl Reads

Mason Canyon

Zoe Harrington

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Wordless Wednesday (A Clinton on the Gulf Peninsula, circa 2010)

I haven’t participated in Wordless Wednesday before (which is a meme for bloggers and Twiterati when either put up a photo without any text or minimal text, letting readers react). For my first Wordless Wednesday, I took inspiration from the hundreds of photos I’m looking over while trying to decide which ones to use for the book trailer From Dunes to Dior, my memoir about living in Doha as a South Asian American woman (more on this later). I’ve also put some links below the photo of other people’s Wordless Wednesdays so check ’em out.

I chose this particular photo because it speaks volumes about modernity, international relations, and of course, women in power. This was during Hilary Clinton’s visit to Qatar, when she made a pit stop at Carnegie Melllon University in Qatar at Qatar Foundation to talk to students and faculty. The man on the far left is the American ambassador, and the one on her immediate left is the Vice President of Education at Qatar Foundation, Dr. Abdulla bin Ali Al Thani.

Leave a comment and let me know your reactions to this photo.

Photo by Alexander Cheek


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