Wordless Wednesday: Awaken


Check out Awaken: A young adult novel where the good guys aren’t always good and the bad guys are even worse.

By Heather C. Myers, indie author of FOUR SIDES OF A TRIANGLE, a modern retelling of Emma.


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Wordless Wednesday: The Four Month MakeOver

Or my new book covers that is. You wouldn’t believe how long a rebranding process takes.

Four months in the making, you’re among the first to see the new look for my eBooks. Since this post is supposed to be “wordless” I’ll save you the back story on process.

In the meantime, here’s two out of the four of the new look. Will share the other two as part of a regular post for those interested in publishing in multiple genres.


Here’s the new cover for Saving Peace. And to the right, the original cover. SavingPeaceBadge




The new Mommy But Still Me. And to the right, the original cover. Mommy but Still Me Cover

What do you think? Love? Hate? Have your own tips for rebranding?


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