Wordless Wednesday: Vashti the Early Feminist

I love supporting fellow creatives. This week I’m delighted to host the Vashti project which is the collaboration of musician David Homan and choreographer Ariel Grossman/Ariel Rivka Dance. Not only are they young twenty-somethings-turning-thirty, David grew up in my hometown of Gainesville, Fl and is now producing performances in the Big Apple. Can’t get much more legit than that!

Here’s a video clip from the rehearsal of their upcoming production of Vashti,the story of a woman of courage, asked to dance for a king. If you’re in the New York City area, you can get tickets at the link below. If you love dance and want to support independent artists, you can donate to their Indiegogo campaign to help fund the show.

Rebellion and Rebirth–Ariel Rivka Dance and Riedel Dance Theatre Present an evening of dance with live music.

Alvin Ailey Citigroup Theatre: March 7-9, 2013 at 7:30pm

Tickets $25/15

“Vashti” a collaboration between composer David Homan and choreographer Ariel Grossman/Ariel Rivka Dance interprets the Biblical story of Purim through the lens of feminism and women’s empowerment. Set in Persia, before the rise of Queen Esther who helped save the Jews from the wrath of Haman, Vashti reigned as Queen of Shushan. Who was she? How did she come to have such power? Was it only because of her beauty?

A myriad of interpretations exist–Vashti as a complex, strong and brave woman, or a vain, wicked and disobedient wife. Requested to dance naked for the King and his drunk friends, Vashti must make a choice; to lose everything, possibly her life or to shed her dignity. Exploring her origins and the women surrounding her, “Vashti” shows us all how to best preserve our sense of self when presented with the ultimate choice. With modern choreography that springs from a strong balletic core this work involves five dancers and live music featuring violin, cello, guitar and piano.

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Reader Comments

  1. Rachelle Ayala (@AyalaRachelle)

    I’ve often wondered about Vashti when reading the Bible. Obviously she was a threat to all those men, especially henpecked Memucan. She reminds me of Michal, who chastised King David’s dancing in front of the maid servants and was rebuked and removed. Seems the Bible does not approve of women speaking up or standing up for themselves.

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